Christmas Project - Wine Tags

This week I decided to work on another Christmas project for our house. I can't help myself with Christmas decorating...I am like an addict! In our living room we have a large wall unit that has some wine storage in the middle. So after my recent trip to wine country I decided to create Christmas wine tags for the bottles in this wine rack. Here is how I made them:

One package of Maco manila tags from Office Depot (about $5)
Cream colored card stock (2 sheets)
1/4 yard of cream colored burlap
Hot glue gun

1. Remove the strings from your Maco tags.
2. Select the holiday words you want to use for your tags and type them out in PowerPoint. Using a font called Big Caslon I was able to fit eight words on each sheet. I made 16 tags so I used 16 words. A sample of this is below.
3. Print words onto cream card stock and cut out each word in a rectangular shape.
4. Cut your burlap in rectangles so that the burlap will almost cover the rectangular part of the tag.
5. Hot glue one rectangle of burlap to the tag. Then using just a bit of hot glue, glue your selected word to the tag. Follow this process for each tag.
6. Decide how far you would like each tag to hang and cut your ribbon to this length.
7. Tie each ribbon around your wine bottles and you are all set!
Below are some pictures of how my tags turned out. Happy Decorating!! xoxo

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